Monday, July 19, 2010

My Blog

Welcome to my blog! As the title suggests, this is pretty much a collection of the many thoughts I have had and conclusions I have come to about music. I know that sounds like a broad topic, and it is, really, but that's why I've decided to make this blog: so I can organize all my thoughts, and also share them with whoever wants to read them.

Just so you're aware, this blog will follow a chronological procession. Since music is, as I've said, such a broad topic, I've decided to talk about it from a historical standpoint, starting from a long time ago, and going up to nowadays, tracing music's progression through the ages, and sharing my observations as I go. This means that what I talk about will likely build on itself, and topics that happen come up at one time will probably come up later. So it's best to start at the beginning so you get it all.

I've decided to divide my blog into 5 sections:

Section 1 will be a sort of introductory section, explaining what I think of art and music as a whole,
Section 2 will begin the historical overview of music, starting with the Baroque period and a few of the composers who wrote Baroque music,
Section 3 covers the Classical period and composers from that time,
Section 4 covers the Romantic period, and goes through composers during that time, and
Section 5 will wrap it all up in the Modern, or Contemporary period, and I'll explain what I think about all that.

Each section, as you can see, will cover a few composers. Naturally, it would be impossible to cover them all, so I'm just going to hit the highlights, like Bach and Schumann and Tchaikovsky. If you know composers, I'm sorry if I don't get to your favorites... And these time periods are really broken up just how I happen to break them up. People differ in their opinions of when each of these periods actually was and which composers were in them. This is just how I happened to write it.

I guess you could say this blog will end out something like a 'music appreciation' study. I'll talk about why I like or don't like certain things, why some things are like they are, etc. But keep in mind these are my own thoughts, and most of what I talk about is subjective. This is basically just my way of jotting down my conclusions and letting you read them.

Hopefully this blog will get you interested in music if you're not, and if you are, maybe you'll be encouraged to think about some of these things for yourself and make your own conclusions. At any rate maybe you'll just like to read what I have to say. Enjoy!

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